Sitemap - 2021 - Gentle Leviathan

Dispatch #56: ‘Prashn nahi uthta’- Unpacking democratic accountability

Dispatch #55: 25 questions that every ‘policy wonk’ should ask

Dispatch #54:Financing healthcare in India

Dispatch #53: The unique connection between democracy,governance and healthcare

Dispatch #52: The politics of healthcare in India

Dispatch #51: The specter of ‘South Asian Enigma’

Dispatch #50: The persistence of caste in India

Dispatch #49: Why we need Ambedkar now, more than ever before?

Dispatch #48: Public policy failure-Do we know enough?

Dispatch #47: So help me God!

Dispatch #46: The Great Indian Rooster Coop

Dispatch #45: The buck stops here

Dispatch #44: Indian Bureaucracy- Weberian or Applebian?

Dispatch #43: How does culture affect political institutions and economic development?

Dispatch #42: The age of political naivety (Part 3)

Dispatch #41: The age of political naivety (Part 2)

Dispatch #40: The age of political naivety (Part 1)

Dispatch #39: What India can learn from these countries about pandemic management?

Dispatch #38: Weekend Linkfest

Dispatch #37: It's a surge; it's a wave; it's a wall

Dispatch #36: How did we get here?

Dispatch #35: Ambedkar Jayanti Linkfest

Dispatch #34: Weekend Linkfest

Dispatch #33: 5 Best Talks by Pratap Bhanu Mehta

Dispatch #32: What Explains the Rise of a Strongman in a Democracy?

Dispatch #31: Weekend Linkfest

Dispatch #30: Systemic Backsliding of Democracy in India

Dispatch #29: Weekend Linkfest

Dispatch #28: Weekend Linkfest

Dispatch #27: Tagore and Nationalism

Dispatch #26: Concluding Statements of All Previous Budget Speeches- Part 2

Dispatch 25#: Concluding Statements of All Previous Budget Speeches- Part 1

Dispatch #24: Weekend Linkfest

Dispatch #23: Weekend Linkfest

Dispatch #22: Democratic Backsliding

Dispatch #21: Weekend Linkfest